
Why a second langage? and Why French?

Did you know that France alone is the 6th economical partner of the US?  The US is the first foreign investor in France? And French companies employ more than 700 000 US workers.  French is also the official language of 29 countries and the official language of Europe, NATO, and the Olympics Games.  Not only is French an excellent stepping stone towards learning other Latin languages, such as Spanish for example, by learning it first, compared to his peers, your child will have secure his home language, then French during K-5 and another widely accessible and offered language during middle/high school. French is second to English in the number of countries where it is spoken, making it the only other language to be spoken on all continents. Knowing how to speak, read, and write in French will open a large spectrum of opportunities. Learning a second language at an early age is crucial, the amazing plasticity of a child’s brain allows large quantities of information to be absorbed. As we grow older, our brain slowly loses the capacity to absorb new information, rendering such a task harder to achieve.  Studies have shown that children who have learned a second language at a young age demonstrate cognitive advantages, such as increased problem-solving skills and creativity. Children also develop interest and curiosity about different cultures and ideas when they have a foundation in other languages. This makes them more comfortable growing up in our increasingly global society, where languages and cultures intersect every day. 

The best way for a child to learn to understand a new language and culture is to hear it being spoken regularly. At Notre École students will be engaged in academic content and meaningful activities in French, in an immersion setting. It is never too soon to start your child on the path of second language acquisition, so start today!